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Mamie et Moi

Luxembourg | Started in 2012

Director: Camille Gouiffes


A network of knitting grannies is born in the Region.
Imagine a group of women from 45 to 90 years old living in the Greater Region who love nothing more than to knit for others.
But what if they don’t have anyone to knit for and their wardrobes are already full of knitwear nobody is going to wear?
One day these women get to know each other thanks to a special initiative called “Mamie et Moi”.
They are proud to be a part of it, as here they can not only knit as their hearts desire but also socialise with other grannies.
Mamie et Moi’s grannies have their own Facebook page and meet monthly for a coffee to share their tricks of the trade.
They are happy to see that more and more people appreciate the beauty of this ancient handicraft.
The idea behind Mamie et Moi is to let the grannies’ passion for knitting, high quality wool and beautiful patterns
become ethically produced fashion that finds their new owners.
Thanks to this initiative, the knitting grannies earn a small complement to their income, stay social, and active.


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