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Internationella Kvinnoföreningen i Malmö

Sweden | Started in 1970

Director: Jelica Ugricic


IKF in Malmš is a nonprofit organization with the aim to promote mutual integration. Our mission is to make visible women’s knowledge and skills in the labour market as well as their ability to be active citizens. The organization creates dynamic and democratic arenas for raising awareness of existing barriers to equal rights within our community, public enterprises and businesses. Through strategic influence we are working to create better social structures in wich foreign and native born women and men have equal opportunities for obtaining employment or starting their own business. IKF’s operations include mentoring, language courses, networking and professional development.

Has women or girls as primary clients/target population: YES

Meets Project Definition of a Women-Led Social Enterprise (Social Mission, Woman Leadership, Portion made in market, portion of profit/surplus reinvested): YES


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